As you guys may or may not know, my sister is STARRING in the musical Xanadu at the Old Stonehouse of Brooklyn. (See more info about the address, show dates and such here: )
I've already seen the show twice and it's seriously awesome! Those of you in the area should totally come out and see it, because it's a great show and my sister Alissa is absolutely incredible! I love her so much and it's great seeing her playing one of her dream roles! Not to mention, the costumes are awesome, so 80's! And the pop-rock songs will be stuck in your head..... for a while.

Oh, my favorite America's Next Top Model contest ever, Allison Harvard, was in the audience, SEEING MY SISTERS SHOW! During intermission I totally had to be awkward and lame and go up and talk to her about her modeling and my modeling and we even got one of her hipster friends to take a photo of us! Yes, she is seriously that beautiful in person. Totally lost my neck in this picture. Dammit. I'm wearing a vintage dress, an d it doesn't matter what Allison is wearing because she is a goddess.

And here's a song from the show! Enjoy! xxx Ash
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